Apr 142015

At our April meeting, Gai introduced us to pen making – beautiful and inspiring!

Gai's Pens 1 Gai's Pens 2 Gai's Pens 4 Gai's Pens 3

Then, as a follow up to Jimmy’s talk last month on cabinet making, Brian demonstrated how to cut laminate on the workcentre, including how to use the Triton ETA300 extension table and the Triton EPA001 Planer Attachment.

Brian Extension Table

As part of this year’s project on rocking horses, Rod kindly brought in one of his lovely rockers for members to see.
Rod's Horses 1

Craig then showed his rough cut horse body, after shaping with his Arbortech Turboplane – ready for more detailed carving.
Craig's Horse - Rough Cut